Vol 14 No 7
Reports / Rapporte
Reports can be collected on 7 December 2022 between 11:00 – 13:00.
Rapporte kan op 7 Desember 2022 tussen 11:00 – 13:00 afgehaal word.
No sport today due to the bad weather.
Geen sport vandag agv die slegte weer.
Budget Meeting / Begrotingsvergadering 2023
We would like to remind all parents of the Budget Meeting that will take place tomorrow, 12 October 2022
Ons herhinner all ouers aan die Begrotingsvergadering wat more aand, 12 Oktober 2022 sal plaasvind.
Mini Comrades 2022
Diskonto Boeke Besoek die skool / Diskonto Books visits the school 21-22 September 22

Heritage day / Erfenisdag 2022

Mini-Comrades 2022

Budget Meeting / Begrotingsvergadering 2023
Dear Parent / Geagte Ouer
Please see an urgent notice for your attention / Sien asseblief ‘n dringende kennis vir u aandag

Welcome to quickParent!
Welcome to the quickParent App.
The app where connected parents are more in touch with their children’s school life and their progress.
The quickParent app is an indispensable aid for all conscientious parents.
Free Version
- Newsfeed updates
- One login for multiple children
- Switch seamlessly between each child’s account
- Contact information changes automatically sent to the school
- School contact details always readily available
- Set notification preferences
Pro Version
- All Free Version features
PLUS access to:
- Task data and marks for all terms for each child
- Absenteeism records for each child
- Merits and Demerits for each child
Visit the quickParent website for more info: