School News

Term 4 Academic Challenge

There will be an optional challenge for the learners next term. There will be some learners presenting their study methods and successes early in Term 4 at a ‘Study Skills Expo’. The academic challenge will reward excellence, improvement and who used their preferred study method consistently.

The invite to join the challenge has been shared with the learners via their class teacher and they will be joining a Whatsapp group where more information will be shared.

In order to make it more exciting, I am appealing for any vouchers (Jack’s Bagels, Nina’s milkshake voucher, Wimpy, etc) or donations that can be used as prizes.

I would like to give each learner who attends the Expo to receive a goodie bag, just to give them the extra motivation before exams start. Possible items for goodie bags: pens, pencils, sticky notes, highlighters, sweets, paper that can be cut up to be used as flashcards, and any other stationery item.

If you would like to contribute, please email me ([email protected]).

Thank you!

Maryke Reed (Head of Academics)

Article 7

Now testing multiple article loads beneath the fold.

This a cool quote from some cool guy who lives in a cool house in a cool area in a cool city in a country that has 4 World Cups.
