This a test article to ensure news is working in the latest AppleIOS release of QuickParent

This a test article to ensure news is working in the latest AppleIOS release of QuickParent
This is a general paragraph one could use.
Set a featured image. Featured images can be uploaded. Once an image is uploaded it gets added to the media library.
Lets make 2 columns
Some text to the right. This can be handy in creating content perfect for web style viewing. Word press provides the best content creation tool for highly stylized published content.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius. Some random text from Lorem ipsum. Handy when you want to visualize before adding copy.
What about adding an attached file for download. Lets say a school new letter in PDF. No worries
The above is a pdf. WordPress has a built in PDF preview function. This preview wont appear on the parent news feed but it will be present as a downloadable file.
So there are a wealth of tools to chose from in the creation process
Even presets to help you get started.
Lets preview our article to see what will show up in the school feed then we can save to draft.
How about mobile view. All your content is responsive and organizes itself in accordance with the viewport. Once again the power of wordpress built into quickparent 🙂
Lets save this to draft and view it the rest of the content list.
Set a featured image. Featured images can be uploaded. Once an image is uploaded it gets added to the media library.
Lets make 2 columns
Some text to the right. This can be handy in creating content perfect for web style viewing. Word press provides the best content creation tool for highly stylized published content.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius. Some random text from Lorem ipsum. Handy when you want to visualize before adding copy.
What about adding an attached file for download. Lets say a school new letter in PDF. No worries
The above is a pdf. WordPress has a built in PDF preview function. This preview wont appear on the parent news feed but it will be present as a downloadable file.
So there are a wealth of tools to chose from in the creation process
Even presets to help you get started.
Lets preview our article to see what will show up in the school feed then we can save to draft.
How about mobile view. All your content is responsive and organizes itself in accordance with the viewport. Once again the power of wordpress built into quickparent 🙂
Lets save this to draft and view it the rest of the content list.
School News is produced by the Press Office, a team of 11 pupils who research, interview, photograph and write each story themselves. Our aim is to keep the College and wider community informed, and to celebrate the diversity of our school life.
School News is produced by the Press Office, a team of 11 pupils who research, interview, photograph and write each story themselves. Our aim is to keep the College and wider community informed, and to celebrate the diversity of our school life.
School News is produced by the Press Office, a team of 11 pupils who research, interview, photograph and write each story themselves. Our aim is to keep the College and wider community informed, and to celebrate the diversity of our school life.
This week saw the clash of schooling titans in the Beta High Selbi Cup. As always this promised to be sporting bananza and certainly lived up to the hype. A huge congratulations to all our participants from the various schools. Below is a list of some of our results.
Once again we would like to thank all our students for their tireless efforts in the sporting arena. A very big thank you to all our parents for their support and to all our staff for their non stop energy and organization. Coming up this weekend (28 May) is the Demo Derby Sports day. Team sheets will be posted on the CalSports app so be sure to login to check out that info.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Beta High School
Good day to all Demo High parents. Just a short note to all parents that Term2 exams will commence on the 1st of June 2022. Please remind all students to review the school notice board for exam venue layouts. Matric seating plans will be provided in the main hall. School will be closing on the 1st of July 2022 and we will be having a parents evening on the following evening at 6:00pm 2 July 2022. We are wishing all our students the best of luck during the exam period.
Welcome demo high parents to our news portal. Here you will find all our news with all the important information you will need to stay in touch and up to date with school events. The quickparent app allows you to view all our news, your child’s absenteeism, discipline and school reporting. You can even update your contact details from the profile section. The quickparent app will help all our conscientious parents stay informed.